Tag: server

  • Expanding VM disk using LVM in Linux

    First, use fdisk/gdisk/similar to resize partition to fill disk. This can be done by deleting the partition, then recreating it, taking special care to ensure that the first block is the same in the new partition. Then, use the following commands. Example data is given, you may need to adjust to fit your situation:

  • Installing a GUI on Ubuntu Server

    Since the Ubuntu Server edition doesn’t by default install a window manager, you may want to install one yourself (if you need one). This is how to do so. Either use the tasksel command, or just directly type in (only one) of the following commands: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop sudo apt-get…

  • Hosting multiple websites with one server

    For the purposes of this post, we will make the following assumptions: You are only running one installation of Apache on one installation of Linux (Ubuntu Server 12.01 used here). Your server only has one public IP address. You have two domains which are configured to both point to your server’s public IP address. You…

  • Changing the path (and other system-wide environment variables)

    Here is a link to the general guidelines, but I thought I’d post this as a follow-up to my previous post where I go over installing the Java Runtime Environment. The file that contains the system-wide path info can be found here (at least in Ubuntu Server 12.10): /etc/environment And the link has much more…

  • Installing Oracle Java in Ubuntu Server 12.10

    Referencing an earlier post, here is the method that I have determined worked for me. First, download the latest release of the JRE. At the time of writing, it was Java 7u10. To make things easier (they make you agree to the ToS before you can download from the website), I downloaded jre-7u10-linux-i586.tar.gz to my…

  • Transmission on a headless Linux server

    Here is a guide to installing Transmission (a bittorrent client) on a Linux server (Ubuntu 12.10). This was my experience that I gained from a guide located here. In fact, most of this guide is take verbatim from there, since I had no problems following their instructions. Installing transmission-daemon Type the following command: sudo apt-get…

  • Setting up a Linux server.

    Much information can be found here. That’s where I got started. However, since I can’t guarantee that website’s longevity, I’ll repeat a bit here, in addition to adding a few things I found elsewhere. Starting out Install Linux. I used Ubuntu Server 12.10, so things may or may not be different with other versions/distros. You…