Tag: linux

  • Expanding VM disk using LVM in Linux

    First, use fdisk/gdisk/similar to resize partition to fill disk. This can be done by deleting the partition, then recreating it, taking special care to ensure that the first block is the same in the new partition. Then, use the following commands. Example data is given, you may need to adjust to fit your situation:

  • Install Synergy 1 on Ubuntu 20.04

    Using the .deb package for 19.04: sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd1sudo dpkg -i synergy_1.11.1.stable\~b58+55ec3105_ubuntu19_amd64.debsudo apt –fix-broken install

  • Setting up DDclient for use with Google Domains

    This is the config file located at /etc/ddclient.conf: # created by Brandon Smithuse=if, if=enp0s3ssl=yesprotocol=googledomainslogin=$LOGINpassword=$PASSWORDdownloader.local.bismith.net Of course, replace $LOGIN and $PASSWORD with the credentials provided by Google Domains for the domain or subdomain that you’re setting up. Also, make sure that the last line is your FQDN. You’re probably going to want to set this up…

  • Audio issues with my Intel NUC running Xubuntu 16.04, problems with pulseaudio

    I had to disable pulseaudio, using ALSA instead. I followed the guide here. In case it’s down, the gist is adding autospawn = no to /etc/pulse/client.conf (uncommenting the line and changing “yes” to “no”).

  • Adding USB 3.0 Drivers to a Windows 7 Installation ISO File

    Copy install.wim and boot.wim from the sources directory in the iso to a temporary place accessible from a Windows machine, as you will need to use DISM, a built-in command-line tool in Windows. From inside Windows, create a directory called mount in the same location as the .wim files. Create a folder called USB3 in…

  • Playing video on Raspberry Pi

    Using omxplayer: omxplayer -r -o hdmi <video file> You may need to use sudo, if you can’t get stuff to work. Or maybe try the first thing from this post. And here is some info on controlling omxplayer.

  • Truecrypt in the Linux Terminal

    Here is the code that will mount a TrueCrypt volume with the specified file system options: sudo truecrypt –mount –fs-options=”users,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0113,dmask=0002″ /path/to/container /path/to/mountpoint

  • Muting the speakers in Linux from the Terminal

    Tested in Elementary OS Luna (based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) on a Lenovo Yoga 13. To mute: amixer set Master mute To unmute: amixer set Master unmute This is useful if you want the volume to always be muted on boot, in case you start up the computer in class or whatever.

  • Getting Linux working with the Lenovo Yoga 13

    This worked for me with the Elementary OS, a distribution of Linux based on Ubuntu, which in turn is based on Debian, but you may have luck getting this to work in other distributions as well. For the WiFi, you must download and install the wireless driver. Instructions can be found at the GitHub repository…

  • Linux Boot Loader (GRUB)

    Grub settings: /etc/profile/grub Apply settings: sudo update-grub